Unique by nature


Dive into a world where passion meets functionality. Created for the music enthusiasts who put sound and build quality first, the 99 Classics are made to transcend fast-changing trends, becoming true heirlooms.


When it comes to wood patterns, there’s never two alike. Age, color, texture and grain come into play to create a pair of headphones as unique as you. Put them on, lean back, and enjoy!

We created the 99 Classics to show that technical accessories can be more than just about performance. We view headphones as vessels that contain our love for artistic expression and celebrate individuality. Every little detail matters.


The choice of wood is an inherently difficult one. The rich colors of walnut require the use of air drying, a long and expensive procedure.

The process of shaping just a single pair of earcups takes up to 8 hours. The whole process of sanding, lacquering, and finishing lasts 45 days.

One last step is left - a careful inspection of the wooden parts, to ensure that no imperfections pass through.

The choice of wood is an inherently difficult one. The rich colors of walnut require the use of air drying, a long and expensive procedure.

The process of shaping just a single pair of earcups takes up to 8 hours. The whole process of sanding, lacquering, and finishing lasts 45 days.

One last step is left - a careful inspection of the wooden parts, to ensure that no imperfections pass through.



We think about our headphones breaking from the earliest stages of product development. If we want to slow down replacement cycles and create something to be enjoyed for years, we have to find solutions for anything that could go wrong before it even happens.

That’s why we make the 99 Classics fully serviceable. Earcups, headband, cables or driver, all pieces are replaceable.

Walnut wood ear cups

Treasured for their rich, dark color and beautiful grain, walnut trees are strong and durable, yet lightweight and malleable. The cups are CNC carved then hand-finished, stained and polished.

Cast zinc hardware

The metal hardware on the frame is made out of cast zinc alloy hardware with electroplated coating, finished in gold or silver.

Self-adjustable headband

The vegan leather headband is reinforced with a manganese spring steel outer band, and is purposely designed to distribute the weight and pressure evenly on most head shapes.

Detachable ear pads

Crafted from medium-density foam and soft vegan leather, the ear pads are designed for easy replacement when needed, providing sustained comfort over time.


Transducer size

40 mm

Maximum input power

50 mW

Frequency response

15 Hz - 25 kHz


3.5 mm gold plated


103 dB at 1 KHz, 1 mW


260 gr


32 Ω


Walnut wood

Rated input power

30 mW

I have a very hard time thinking of a headphone I've had more fun listening to; the urge to bop my head and tap my toes was irresistible at time.


These Stylish Wired Headphones Might Be The Best You'll Ever Hear And They Don't Cost A Fortune.


Meze 99 Classics have a pneumatic, even-handed, ear-neutral sound. Highs are crisp and shimmery; their even, laterally wide sound pressure and energy are probably the biggest reason people suggest the 99 Classics have a large sound stage.


For a sub-£300 pair of headphones to evoke such an emotional response is impressive. And that’s my point: the Meze ‘phones are for those who demand an emotional experience when listening to music.

Darko Audio

Here the soundstage superiority found with the Meze 99 Classics steals the show, capturing his percussion on "I'm an Old Cowhand," making me remove the headphone to see who was delivering "more" cowbell behind me.


The Meze 99 Classic is a really easy to drive be it a reasonable smartphone, DAP or efficient portable amp, the choice is yours. This is also one of those few headphones that I can have no complaints about with regard to smartphone amping performance ...
